On seasons.

I hear there are record highs in New York. If I still lived there I would be excited about not needing my North Face vest for a few days. I would tell everyone it was my type of weather and that I lived in the wrong region. I don’t need to do that anymore. It’s […]

On identity.

When I studied abroad I remember feeling lost. I was proud of the fact that I had opted to study at a university with an international student population instead of one whose student body consisted exclusively of Americans studying in London. I was also proud of the fact that all of my flatmates were British. […]

On believing.

When I did my first Tough Mudder one of the obstacles I was most looking forward to was the Cliff Jumper. It’s exactly as it sounds. You climb up a slippery wooden ladder, walk out onto a platform, and then jump 15-ish feet into some very muddy water below. No big deal. Except that it […]