On employee engagement.

As I settle into the role of “entrepreneur” and lock down the type of work I want to be doing and the value I can deliver, I’ve been thinking a lot about employee engagement. I’m still working through the elevator pitch and elegant prose versions of this, but here’s what I’ve come up with so […]

On focus.

“Look for the seams.” My father gave me that advice when I played softball. I don’t remember if we were at the batting cages, or in our backyard, but it stuck. When standing at home plate, bat in hand, staring at the pitcher, I was to find the seams to ensure I kept my eye […]

On snow.

It’s snowing in NYC… I miss the anticipation of a snow day (aka work from home day when you’re an adult without kids). I miss the color of the night sky over Manhattan. The light reflecting off the clouds creates a reddish-purple hue that only exists when it snows. I miss staying up much too […]