On a rainy Sunday.

I recently hit my financial goal for the year and realized I might even manage to pass it since there are still three months remaining in 2017. For my first year as an entrepreneur, I feel like that’s a pretty big win. Admittedly, hitting my financial goal has taken some of the pressure off and helped me become […]

On Madison.

Let me start by saying that when I sat down to write this I opened Spotify and learned that Taylor Swift’s catalog is available. While I like most of her stuff, one of my favorite running songs is The Story of Us. I think it has the perfect tempo for running. So happy I get […]

On employee engagement.

As I settle into the role of “entrepreneur” and lock down the type of work I want to be doing and the value I can deliver, I’ve been thinking a lot about employee engagement. I’m still working through the elevator pitch and elegant prose versions of this, but here’s what I’ve come up with so […]

On focus.

“Look for the seams.” My father gave me that advice when I played softball. I don’t remember if we were at the batting cages, or in our backyard, but it stuck. When standing at home plate, bat in hand, staring at the pitcher, I was to find the seams to ensure I kept my eye […]

On structure.

I recently joined a gym. I guess that’s not surprising given that lots of people join gyms in January. But for me joining wasn’t about a new year’s resolution. Until six months ago, I worked out 3-4 times per week and being physically active was – and still is – a huge part of my […]

On being an entrepreneur versus being unemployed.

Am I an entrepreneur? Or am I unemployed? Most days – or most hours of most days – I think of myself as being an entrepreneur. Right now it so happens that my business is in its infancy, which is why I’m not getting paid. But I’m taking what I think are the necessary steps to […]