On Tut.

It’s Christmas Eve and I’m sitting in my apartment in Austin, with my dog sleeping soundly in his bed. For the past week he’s been battling a back/neck injury. The pain he’s experiencing seems to be excruciating. He has rarely slept through the night. When he moves he screams (it’s a basenji thing) and it […]

A lesson from my father.

When I was in sixth grade my father lost his job. I had just started middle school, which meant both sides of town were attending classes together for the first time. Because the average house size on the south side of town was smaller than on the north side of town, the south side (where I […]

On the Fourth of July.

It’s been ten months since we arrived in Austin. A quick recap of some key events: We moved halfway across the country for a lifestyle change. We knew practically no one when we moved here. Within months of moving here the company I worked for for almost nine years closed and I needed to figure […]

On Dungeons and Dragons.

Never in a million years did I think I would write a blog post about Dungeons and Dragons. I’ve never played. No one I know plays (or has played). And until last week everything I knew about D&D I learned from watching The Big Bang Theory. But when Austin Bat Cave sent a request for volunteers […]

On Madison.

Let me start by saying that when I sat down to write this I opened Spotify and learned that Taylor Swift’s catalog is available. While I like most of her stuff, one of my favorite running songs is The Story of Us. I think it has the perfect tempo for running. So happy I get […]

On things I’m excited about.

Keeping it short and sweet because it’s been a long, but very good, day. I’m really, really excited about my side hustle! I’ll write a full post about all the reasons I’m fired up about it at some point, but not tonight. I’m also really excited because I found out I’m going to be volunteering […]