On reconnecting.

Early morning view from the dog park

Back in Hoboken there was this “kid” Jovann. I refer to him as a “kid” because I first met him when he was a teenager hanging around the basketball court across from the dog park. By the time we moved he was in his twenties, but still a park regular. Anyway, the kid loved dogs. And […]

On changing the narrative.

Until recently I had been in a bit of a downward spiral. Some of the stuff I had been working on didn’t come to fruition. Other projects wrapped up without any imminent next steps. Strategic networking opportunities felt few and far between. I started actively searching job boards instead of only passively checking them when […]

On worrying about my dog.

When we lived in Hoboken we didn’t worry about our dog while traveling because we knew our little guy was being cared for by my parents or, when they weren’t available, our amazing dog sitter. Since we live in Austin and neither is an option I’m freaking out about our upcoming weekend trip. There are so […]

On running.

I hate running. Despite this, there are times when I am inspired to go for a run. During those moments of inspiration I lace up my sneakers, all the while thinking, “But you hate running.” Yet I step outside, excited about hitting the trail. “Today, I won’t hate running,” I tell myself. I pick a playlist. Turn […]

On employee engagement.

As I settle into the role of “entrepreneur” and lock down the type of work I want to be doing and the value I can deliver, I’ve been thinking a lot about employee engagement. I’m still working through the elevator pitch and elegant prose versions of this, but here’s what I’ve come up with so […]

On focus.

“Look for the seams.” My father gave me that advice when I played softball. I don’t remember if we were at the batting cages, or in our backyard, but it stuck. When standing at home plate, bat in hand, staring at the pitcher, I was to find the seams to ensure I kept my eye […]