I am not a victim.

You wouldn’t know that based on my last post. Somewhere in this move I forgot that.

My first reminder of the fact that I am not a victim came during a Pints & Poses yoga class (that fact alone eliminates any possibility of me being a victim, because yoga). The theme for the class was “power.” Throughout the sixty minute session our instructor talked about how power comes from within, and how we often forget that fact. She also talked about feeling the power of our bodies while in our poses, and grounding into the earth to draw upon its power.

Now, there are lots of people who roll their eyes at that sort of language, but I eat it up. It gets into my head and inspires my soul. Seriously, I can feel it in my chest. And based on my recent mental state, it’s exactly what I needed.

After class I was talking with a friend and whining about my lack of routine. She aptly pointed out that it’s not the lack of routine that’s difficult, but the lack of purpose. 

Um, how had that not occurred to me?

My brain went into processing overdrive. Fortunately, it forced me to reorient my thinking, and get back to something that’s more authentic to who I am.

I’m the person who believes there’s always a solution. It might not be your first choice. It might be circuitous. It might cost a little more than you anticipated, or take more time than you wanted, but there’s always a way.

I love finding those solutions. I love knowing the destination and then figuring out how to get there, and making any necessary adjustments as things come up along the way. Some of the experiences and accomplishments I’m most proud of only happened because I knew the destination, but encountered roadblocks I needed to adjust for on my way there.

So after Pints & Poses, some insightful conversation, and a lot of self-reflection I’m back on track. I have a purpose. And I have all the power I need within me.

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